Welcome to our Sermons page... and for a while - our notifications/landing page
You are welcome to join us in person at Bethel Baptist Church on the Mobuoy Road BT47 3JG
Services are at 11am and 7pm on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays. Tel - 02871 860420 or 07720079544 for details and directions.
God Bless you and keep you
Originally for services that we wanted to share with the world now used to ensure that everyone in Bethel has an opportunity to hear at least two messages every week. The full service is there - so there'll be singing for the first 15 - 20 minutes on some of them.
You know how to use a mouse to fast forward if you dont want to take part in that and want to go straight to the preaching
Any questions about any of the services drop me a line on or ring on 07724 937 434
God Bless you.
24/08/25 - 2 Peter 3 - What Gospel -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/25-John21 - Single Point of Failure -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/21- Revelation 20 - No Excuses -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/18- Romans 10 - Forgiveness -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/18 - Matthew 23 - How Exactly -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/14 -Zechariah 1 - Dominoes -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/11 -Psalm 1 & 2 - Bands and Cords -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/11 -Acts 17 - Bible Study -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/07 Joshua 22 - No Matter Where -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/04 -Genesis 45 - the Big Picture -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/04 - 1 Timothy 6 - The Love of .... -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/31 - Psalm 18 - You Have Mail -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/28 - John 11 - A Silk Purse from a sows ear -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/28- John 9 - How Can you? -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/24 - Jeremiah 10 - Us and Them -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/21 Amos 8- A Feast or a Famine -Pr M Bradfield
24/007/21 Ruth 2 - Why Would he? -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/17 - Judges 16 - Lessons From Samson -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/14 - Luke19 - Occupy Till I come -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/14- John 8 - United -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/10 - Judges 8 - Man or God? -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/07 -2 Timothy 3 - Let God Be True -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/07 - Isaiah 14 - Saving and Healing-Pr M Bradfield
03/07/23- Judge 6 - Lessons from Gideon -Pr M Bradfield
30/06/24 - Hosea 2 - Thou art my God -Pr M Bradfield
06/31/24 - Matthew 1 - On their Shoulders -Pr M Bradfield
06/26/26 - Phillipians 4 - Thank you -Pr M Bradfield
06/23/26 -Daniel 6 - Lessons from the Lions den -Pr M Bradfield
06/23/26 - John 10 - The Difference -Pr M Bradfield
06/19/26 - Daniel 4 - Faithfulness -Pr M Bradfield
06/09/26 - Joshua 9 - Always check with God -Pr M Bradfield
09/06/26 - John 14 - Which Way? -Pr M Bradfield
02/06/26 - Joshua 2 - Who can be Saved? -Pr M Bradfield
02/06/26 - Ezekiel 6 - Youll know its God -Pr M Bradfield
29/05/26 - Ezekiel 33 - The Watchman -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/26 - Mark 12 - Who Speaks For God? -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/26 - John13 It is Enough -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/22 - Ezekiel 28 - Our Adversary -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/19 - Psalm 82 - God or gods -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/19 - John10 Murderers Liars Thieves Robbers.. and a Saviour -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/15 Ezekiel 20 - Talking Nonsense -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/12 Genesis 3 - Sinning Less -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/12 John 9 - What can I do -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/05 1 Corinthians 2 - Eisdom and Foolishness-Pr M Bradfield
24/05/05 Jeremiah 9 - 6000years of Judgement and Salvation -Pr M Bradfield
24/05/01 Ezekiel 9 - God is not Mocked -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/28 Revelation 22 - Before ye go -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/28 John 8 - Fathers -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/24 John 8 - From Condemnation to Salvation -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/21 Acts 8 -Reactions -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/21 2 Timothy 2 - Conquered or Friended -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/14 Acts 8 -Simon the Sorceror -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/14 John 6 - Enough and More for All-Pr M Bradfield
24/04/10 Revelation 6 - Judgement -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/07 - Acts 1 - Counterfeits-Pr M Bradfield
24/04/07 John 1 - Our Natural Habitat -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/31 Revelation 22 - The End -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/31 Luke 24 - The Road to Emmaus -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/24 Joshua 24 - Chastening -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/24 2Peter 3 - Dont Forget -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/20 Jeremiah 36- It's already Done -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/17 - Malachi 4 - How Long? -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/17 Luke 20 - Mistakes -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/13 Luke 20 -Priorities -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/10 Jeremiah 27 - The Reall Messiah -Pr M Bradfield
24/03/10 Leremiah 24 - For our Good-Pr M Bradfield
24/03/03Luke 15 - Winners and Losers -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/28 Luke 13 - On the Clock -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/25 Luke 10 - What to do when the Devil knocks -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/25 - Luke10 -The Good Samaritan -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/04 You Cant Make me! ... -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/21 2 Chronicles 9 - In a Moment -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/18 -Leremiah 9 - Loving Kindness Judgement and Righteouusness -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/14 Deuteronomy 9 - Maybe Not Today but Someday -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/11 - Romans 8 - Daddy -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/11 Hebrews 9 - Judgement Consequences Accountability -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/07 Acts 7 - Times Change, People Dont -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/04 You Cant Make me! ... -Pr M Bradfield
24/02/04- Luke 7 We Should be fearful of God.. -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/28 Matt 24 -Why Does a Loving God... -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/28 - Phil 4 Conversations With God -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/24 - Isaiah 59 - Why? -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/21-Luke 5 - the Power of the Scriptures -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/18-Isaiah 55 - There are Limits -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/14- Luke 5 - Sin -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/07- 2 Samuel 8 - Trusting in God -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/07 - Big Ideas - Right Ideas -Pr M Bradfield
24/01/03 - Numbers 21 - Gods Way is the Best Way -Pr M Bradfield
223/12/31- Revelation 1 - Beginnings and Endings -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/24- Mark 10 - What we really Need -Pr M Bradfield
12/12/20-John 3 - Dont be Afraid to Ask -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/17- Mark 8 - The Day of the Triffids -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/17-Mark 7 - The Real Reason -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/13- Psalm 103 - How Great Thou Art-Pr M Bradfield
23/12/10- Matt 7 - Gifts-Pr M Bradfield
23/11/19 - Isaiah 8 - An Example -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/06-2 Corinthina 10 - Battles -Pr M Bradfield
23/12/03- Matthew 26 - Giving-Pr M Bradfield
23/11/29- 1 John 2 - Some Folks Never Learn -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/26-Matt 20 the Joys and Rewards of Service -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/26-Matt 17 - Being Encouraged -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/22- Matthew 16 - What lies Ahead -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/19 - Isaiah 8 - An Example -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/15 - Matthew 10 - Who is on the Lords Side -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/12 - John 4 - Demonstrations -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/12 - Following the Lord -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/08 - Matthew 13 - Questions questions Questions -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/15- Matthew 3 - Who Indeed -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/11 - Malachi 4 - Waiting on God -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/08 John 11 - What do I Do about Israel -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/04 - John11 A resurrection -Pr M Bradfield
20/07/09 - Luke 4 - It's what I do -Pr M Bradfield
23/05/07 - Rev 1 - A Tribute to the King -Pr M Bradfield
07/05/23 - Romans 1 - A Bible Study (Pt1) -Pr M Bradfield
07/05/23 - Revelation 1 - A Tribute to the King -Pr M Bradfield
05/03/23 - Matthew 7 - Lets Pretend -Pr M Bradfield
30/04/23 - John 3 - It's Personal-Pr M Bradfield
30/04/23 - Matthew 20 - Inside and Out -Pr M Bradfield
26/04/23 - Acts17- The Unknown God -Pr M Bradfield
23/04/23 - Psalm 1 Hope -Pr M Bradfield
23/04/23 - Matthew 16 - Who Is HE to you? -Pr M Bradfield
16/04/23 - 2 Peter 3 - Bible Study-Pr M Bradfield
16/04/23 - Matthew 11 - See for Yourself -Pr M Bradfield
12/04/23 - Matthew 24 -The Great Escape -Pr M Bradfield
09/04/23 - Matthew 7 - The Importance of Gods Word -Pr M Bradfield
9/4/23 - Acts 1 - It is Real -Pr M Bradfield
5/4/23 - Matthew 5 - Love -Pr M Bradfield
4/3/23 - John 2 - The Light of the World -Pr M Bradfield
4/2/23 - Ezekiel 34 - The State of Religion -Pr M Bradfield
29/03/23 - Jeremiah 35 - The Rechabites -Pr M Bradfield
26/03/23 - Genesis 37 - The Life of Joseph -Pr M Bradfield
26/03/23 - Romans 1 - The Chainsaw Church -Pr M Bradfield
22/03/23 - John 21 - Forgiveness -Pr M Bradfield
12/03/23 - James 2 - Works and Faith -Pr M Bradfield
19/03/23 - Ezekiel 33 - A Watchman -Pr M Bradfield
15/03/23 - 1 Kings 13 - Splitting Up -Pr M Bradfield
12/03/23 - James 2 - Works and Faith -Pr M Bradfield
12/03/23 - 1 Kings 9 - Still Just a man -Pr M Bradfield
08/03/23 - Deuteronomy 5 - By Faith -Pr M Bradfield
02/26/23 - John 14 -Pr M Bradfield
05/03/23 - Job 13 - No Matter What (2) -Pr M Bradfield
02/26/23 - 1 Kings 3 - The Difference between Wisdom and Knowledge -Pr M Bradfield
02/22/23 - 1 Kings 1 - Lets Pretend-Pr M Bradfield
02/15/23 - John 10 - No Matter What -Pr M Bradfield
02/12/23 - Job 41 - Through God, Yes! -Pr M Bradfield
02/12/23 - John 7 - Reactions to Christ -Pr M Bradfield
02/08/23 - John 6 - How Hard is it to be a Christian -Pr M Bradfield
02/05/23 - John 5 - Just for us -Pr M Bradfield
02/01/23 - 2 Peter 3 - What Sort of Person? -Pr M Bradfield
01/29/23 - John 4 - Give What you Got -Pr M Bradfield
01/22/23 - Jude - Why? -Pr M Bradfield
01/22/23 - Ezekiel 20 - When God Doesnt Answer -Pr M Bradfield
01/15/23 - Ephesians 6 The Armour of God -Pr M Bradfield
01/08/23 - Luke 22 - How Bad will it get? -Pr M Bradfield
01/08/23 - John 6 - Never Thrown Away -Pr M Bradfield
01/01/23 - Psalm 1 - Blessings -Pr M Bradfield
25/12/22 - Isaiah 9 - The Greatest Gift -Pr M Bradfield
21/12/22 - Matthew 2 - I'll Be Back (3) -Pr M Bradfield
18/12/22 - Ezekiel 14 - How bad can it get? -Pr M Bradfield
18/12/22 - Matthew 7 - A Little Help Along the Way -Pr M Bradfield
14/12/22 - Carol Service - Luke 2 -Pr M Bradfield
07/12/22 - Luke 11 - Dear Santa -Pr M Bradfield
04/12/22 - Matt 13 - I'll be Back - the Parables -Pr M Bradfield
04/12/22 - Luke 7 Fitting in -Pr M Bradfield
30/11/22 - Genesis 3 - On His Way -Pr M Bradfield
27/11/22 - John 14 - Quid Pro Quo -Pr M Bradfield
27/11/22 - Ezekiel 12 -The Need to see -Pr M Bradfield
23/11/22 - Ezekiel 10 -Beyond Us -Pr M Bradfield
20/11/22 - luke 9 - Oure needs -Pr M Bradfield
20/11/22 - Ezekiel 9 - Old or New - Still so True -Pr M Bradfield
16/11/22 - Luke 7 Authority -Pr M Bradfield
13/11/22 - Deuteronomy 5 You First -Pr M Bradfield
13/11/22 - Ezekiel 8 - More Judgement-Pr M Bradfield
9/11/22 - Ezekiel 7 - Inside and out -Pr M Bradfield
6/11/22 - Proverbs 17 - Refining -Pr M Bradfield
6/11/22 - Luke 3 - Scum and Villainy -Pr M Bradfield
2/11/22 - Ezekiel 2 - Just So you know -Pr M Bradfield
30/10/22 - Matthew 15 - When to Stop -Pr M Bradfield
30/10/22 - Genesis 3 - Is Sin Still Wrong? -Pr M Bradfield
26/10/22 - Judges 12 - Peace and Quiet -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/22 - Acts 2 - The Last Days -Pr M Bradfield
23/10/22 - Matthew 14 - In Difficult Times -Pr M Bradfield
19/10/22 - John 3 The Wrath of God -Pr M Bradfield
16/10/22 - Hosea 1 Actions Speak louder than Words -Pr M Bradfield
16/10/22 - 2 Chronicles 15 - Not Just the King -Pr M Bradfield
12/10/22 - Deuteronomy 4 - Never too Late -Pr M Bradfield
09/10/22 - Deuteronomy 3 - Elbow Grease -Pr M Bradfield
09/10/22 - John 3 - Who Is Whosoever? -Pr M Bradfield
05/10/22 - Matthew 7 - Judgement -Pr M Bradfield
02/10/22 - Matthew - Hearing What we want -Pr M Bradfield
02/10/22 - Joshua 1 - Connected -Pr M Bradfield
28/09/22 - Matthew 3 - Who Exactly -Pr M Bradfield
25/09/22 - Psalm 23 -Pr M Bradfield
25/09/22 - Hebrews 11 - Faith -Pr M Bradfield
21/09/22 - Daniel 5 - The Writing on the Wall -Pr M Bradfield
19/09/22 - Matthew 6 Our Daily Bread -Pr M Bradfield
11/09/22 - John 16 - Joy -Pr M Bradfield
11/09/22 - Numbers 21 Look and Live -Pr M Bradfield
07/09/22 - Numbers 18 - My Inheritance -Pr M Bradfield
04/09/22 - Judges 3 - The Biggest Challenge -Pr M Bradfield
04/09/22 - John 15 - Picking Blackberries -Pr M Bradfield
31/08/22 - Jeremiah 14 - Only God Works -Pr M Bradfield
28/08/22 - Revelation 20 - It is Over -Pr M Bradfield
24/08/22 - Rededication Service -Pr M Bradfield
21/08/22 - Acts 2 - One Size Fits All -Pr M Bradfield
21/08/22 - Psalm 73 - Gods Opinion -Pr M Bradfield
17/08/22 - John 8 How do I know -Pr M Bradfield
14/08/22 - Acts 2 - Right Choices -Pr M Bradfield
14/08/22 - John 8 Alone With God -Pr M Bradfield
10/08/22 - Hebrews 10 Shadows and Portents -Pr M Bradfield
07/08/22 - John 6 You are what you Eat-Pr M Bradfield
07/08/22 - Matthew 20 - Bigger than a Beggar -Pr M Bradfield
31/07/22 - Jeremiah 6 - The Old Road -Pr M Bradfield
24/07/22 - Matthew 8 - Every Day of Every Week of Every month -Pr M Bradfield
20/07/22 - Galatians 1 - Ducks -Pr M Bradfield
17/07/22 - Mark 8 - Who Am I - Pr M Bradfield
17/07/22 - Psalms 1 & 2 -Pr M Bradfield
13/07/22 - Mark 8 - The Constant God -Pr M Bradfield
10/07/22 - Matthew 7 - A Sure Foundation -Pr M Bradfield
10/07/22 - Psalm 34 - Free Samples -Pr M Bradfield
06/07/22 - Jeremiah 38 - Custard or Cream? -Pr M Bradfield
03/07/22 - 1 Kings 18 - Troublemakers? -Pr M Bradfield
29/06/221 Kings 15 God First -Pr M Bradfield
26/06/22Jeremiah 1 - Roe V Wade -Pr M Bradfield
22/06/22 John 3 - It's Personal -Pr M Bradfield
19/06/22 1 Kings 15 - War! -Pr M Bradfield
19/06/22 John 7 - What More? - Many lessons -Pr M Bradfield
05/06/22 John 5 - No Queues -Pr M Bradfield
12/06/22 Matt 25 - He IS on His Way -Pr M Bradfield
05/06/22 Matt 24 - Biblical Timnes -Pr M Bradfield
05/06/22 John 5 - No Queues -Pr M Bradfield
25/05/22 John 4 - Insanity -Pr M Bradfield
22/05/22 John 3 - A Little Light -Pr M Bradfield
22/05/22 1 Samuel 17 - The Cause -Pr M Bradfield
18/05/22 John 2 - A Start -Pr M Bradfield
15/05/22 Luke 19 The Special Case of Zacchaeus-Pr M Bradfield
15/05/22 1 Samuel 17- The Battlefield -Pr M Bradfield
11/05/22 Luke 19 - A Servant -Pr M Bradfield
08/05/22 Joshua 6 - God has a plan -Pr M Bradfield
08/05/22 Ephesians 6 - Rolling up your sleeves -Pr M Bradfield
04/05/22 1 Corintians 3 - Chewy -Pr M Bradfield
01/05/22 Genesis 6 - The Ark -Pr M Bradfield
01/05/22 Philippians 2 - Making Sure -Pr M Bradfield
27/04/22 1 John 5 - Why?-Pr M Bradfield
24/04/22 1 Samuel 20- Any Port in a Storm -Pr M Bradfield
24/04/22 Matthew 5 - For Me?-Pr M Bradfield
20/04/22 Matthew 4 - What Next? -Pr M Bradfield
17/04/22 Acts 1 - There's More -Pr M Bradfield
03/04/22 Luke 2- We Need it -Pr M Bradfield
13/04/22 1 Corinthians 15 - Victory -Pr M Bradfield
10/04/22 Isaiah 1 -Pr M Bradfield
03/04/22 Luke 2- We Need it -Pr M Bradfield
03/0422 - Matthew 2 Wise Men -Pr M Bradfield
30/03/22 Judges 2- Half a Job -Pr M Bradfield
27/03/22 Matthew 4 - Follow Me -Pr M Bradfield
27/03/22 Luke 4 - Disasters -Pr M Bradfield
13/03/22 Mark 14- I Used to Be -Pr M Bradfield
20/03/22 Mark 12- The Latest Fashions -Pr M Bradfield
13/03/22 Mark 12- Mistakes -Pr M Bradfield
13/03/22 Romans 12 - Pleasing the Saviour -Pr M Bradfield
06/03/22 Mark 13 - No Fear -Pr M Bradfield
06/03/22 Proverbs 29 - Just a minute -Pr M Bradfield
27/02/22 Judges 2 - Dealing with sin -Pr M Bradfield
27/02/22 Luke 17 - IOU -Pr M Bradfield
20/02/22 Ezekiel 28 - the Biggest Loser -Pr M Bradfield
20/02/22 Joshua 24 - Warts n All- Pr M Bradfield
16/02/22 Luke11 - To you with Love - Pr M Bradfield
13/02/22 2 Samuel 22 - Victories - Pr M Bradfield
13/02/22 Luke 16 - HATLOF (Hell and the Lake of Fire) - Pr M Bradfield
06/02/22 Luke 15 - RU Smarter than a Hog? - Pr M Bradfield
06/0222 Luke 14 - Excuses - Pr M Bradfield
02/02/22 Luke 14 - RU Smarter than a Chicken? - Pr M Bradfield
30/01/22 Luke 11 - Alternatives - Pr M Bradfield
30/01/22 Luke 11 - Who Indeed - Pr M Bradfield
26/01/22 Luke 11 - The Alternatives - Pr M Bradfield
23/01/22 Luke 11 - Keeping it - Pr M Bradfield
16/01/22 Ezekiel 22 - Standards - Pr M Bradfield
12/01/22 -Ezekiel 20 - A Sign - Pr M Bradfield
09/01/22 -Luke 5 - The Proof - Pr M Bradfield
05/01/22 -Jeremiah 6 - The Old Paths- Pr M Bradfield
01/02/22 - Luke 2 - The Old Story- Pr M Bradfield
02/01/22 - John 14 - The numbers Dont Lie- Pr M Bradfield
29/12/21 - Psalm 46- Be Still- Pr M Bradfield
12/12/21 - Jeremiah 1 - A piece of Coal- Pr M Bradfield
26/12/21 - Jeremiah 5 - The Unopened Gifts - Pr M Bradfield
19/12/21 - Mark 2 The Wise Men- Pr M Bradfield
12/12/21 - Job 19 - I Know - Pr M Bradfield
05/12/21 - 2tIM2 - Enduring Hardness - Pr M Bradfield
05/12/21 - Mark 3 - United We Stand - Pr M Bradfield
01/12/21 - Mark 2 - All that I can - Pr M Bradfield
28/11/21 - Mark 1 - Can and Will - Pr M Bradfield
28/11/21 - Isaiah 62 - a Job for the boys - Pr M Bradfield
24/11/21 - Mark 1 - A Good Time- Pr M Bradfield
21/11/21 - Hebrews 4 - A little Bit of Faith - Nehemiah 7 - Pr M Bradfield
21/11/21 - Esther 2 - A Little Faith - Pr M Bradfield
17/11/21 - Matthew 16 - Where Did I put them - Pr M Bradfield
14/11/21 - Nothing That Good - Nehemiah 11 - Pr M Bradfield
07/11/21 - Matthew 24 - Not Long Now- Pr M Bradfield
07/11/21 - How Often - Matthew 23 - Pr M Bradfield
31/10/21 - Ezekiel 8 - the Guy at the Front - Pr M Bradfield
27/10/21 - Matthew 23 - Authority - Pr M Bradfield
24/10/21 - Matthew 21 - Four Figs - Pr M Bradfield
24/10/21 - What More? - Luke 13 - Pr M Bradfield
17/10/21 - No More Waiting - John 5 - Pr M Bradfield
17/10/21 - 1 Samuel 6 - The Laws the Law - Pr M Bradfield
13/10/21 1 Samuel 8 - Like Everyone Else - Pr M Bradfield
10/10/21 - "Tim 2 - On the Chin - Pr M Bradfield
10/10/21 John3 Giving - Pr M Bradfield
26/09/21 - It's Up To You - Nehemiah 7 - Pr M Bradfield
12/09/21 - For the Fear of the Lord -Nehemiah 5- Pr M Bradfield
12/09/21 - What Bugs You? -Luke 4- Pr M Bradfield
08/09/21 - Judges 12/13- Judges - Pr M Bradfield
05/09/21 - Psalm1/2 - The Way It is- Pr M Bradfield
05/09/21 - Purging the Fruit John 10- Pr M Bradfield
01/09/21 - The Long And Short of it.Nehemiah 1- Pr M Bradfield
29/08/21 - A Right Way and a Wrong Way John 10- Pr M Bradfield
29/08/21 - Ezekiel 2/3- Sweet Rolls - Pr M Bradfield
25/08/21 - Pass the Salt - Matthew 5- Pr M Bradfield
22/08/21 - John 8 - The Most Important thing in the World- Pr M Bradfield
15/08/21 - Yes We Can- Judges 7- Pr M Bradfield
11/08/21 - Excuses - Luke 13- Pr M Bradfield
08/08/21 - What Bugs You? -Luke 4- Pr M Bradfield
04/08/21 - Scales - Isaiah 55 - Pr M Bradfield
01/08/21 - Ezra 10 - Dont Stop - Pr M Bradfield
01/08/21 - Judges 6 - The Key - Pr M Bradfield
28/07/21 - Beholding - Pr M Bradfield
25/07/21 - Able - Judges 4 - Pr M Bradfield
25/07/21 - A Little - Mark 8 - Pr M Bradfield
21/07/21 - Normal - Nehemiah 13 - Pr M Bradfield
18/07/21 - Perspectives - Mark 5:21 - Pr M Bradfield
18/07/21 - An Ounce - Matthew 24 - Pr M Bradfield
14/07/21 - Matthew 12 - The Conquering Hero- Pr M Bradfield
11/07/21 - Matthew 14 - Close - Pr M Bradfield
11/07/21 - Traps - Amos 3 - Pr M Bradfield
07/07/21 - Judges 2 - First Hand -Pr M Bradfield
04/07/21 - See Saws - Acts 1-Pr M Bradfield
04/07/21 - Jeremiah 14 - Traitors Everywhen - Pr M Bradfield
20/06/21 - Already Yours p2- Joshua 18:1-Pr M Bradfield
20/06/21 - Already Yours p1- Joshua 18:1-Pr M Bradfield
23/06/21 - Home! - 1 Corinthian 15 -Pr M Bradfield
20/06/21 - Now - 1 Kings 9:1 -Pr M Bradfield
16/06/21 - 1 Peter 1:13- Constantly Incorruptible -Pr M Bradfield
13/06/21 - 1Kings 3 - Wisdom & Fear -Pr M Bradfield
13/06/21 - Matthew 1 Fathers -Pr M Bradfield
06/06/21 - Israel Genesis 12 -Pr M Bradfield
06/06/21 - Two Breaths - Genesis 2 -Pr M Bradfield
30/05/21 - Revelation 20 - Thrones -Pr M Bradfield
30/05/21 - Ezra 7 The Prep -Pr M Bradfield
26/05/21 - John 13 - An Example -Pr M Bradfield
23/05/21 - John 11 - For the People -Pr M Bradfield
16/05/21 - 2 Samuel 1 - Fake it till you make it - Naturally -Pr M Bradfield
16/05/21 - Genesis 3 - Naturally -Pr M Bradfield
16/05/21 - John 9 - One Thing I know -Pr M Bradfield
12/05/21 - 1Cor 2 - Cant see, hear or feel it -Pr M Bradfield
09/05/21 - 1 Corinthians 13 -Love is a two way Street -Pr M Bradfield
09/05/21 - Acts 17 -More Noble -Pr M Bradfield
05/05/21 - Nudges ( Kingfall) -Pr M Bradfield
02/05/21 - A Cause -Pr M Bradfield
02/05/21 - Miracles -Pr M Bradfield
28/05/21 - All But One -Pr M Bradfield
25/04/21 - Resonance-Pr M Bradfield
25/04/21 - 2 Chronicles 34 - A Kit Kat -Pr M Bradfield
21/04/21 - Luke 22 - The Sifting-Pr M Bradfield
18/04/21 - 2 Chronicles 34 - The Littlest King-Pr M Bradfield
18/04/21 - Luke 21 - No Fear -Pr M Bradfield
14/04/21 - Deuteronomy 5 - Thou Shalt (not)-Pr M Bradfield
11/04/21 - James 1 - RUA Doer? -Pr M Bradfield
11/04/21 - Luke 18 - Praying -Pr M Bradfield
07/04/21 - Genesis 47 - Pharoahs World - Pr M Bradfield
04/04/21 - Acts 17 - The Consistant Church - Br C Cooley
04/04/21 - Luke 17 - Quid pro Quo -( You scratch my back...) - Pr M Bradfield
31/03/21 - Luke 15 - You are precious- Pr M Bradfield
28/03/21 - Acts 17 The Upside Down Church - Pr C Cooley
28/03/21 - Luke 14 - Stuffing! - Pr M Bradfield
24/03/21 - Leviticus 23 - Think! - Pr M Bradfield
21/03/21 - Acts 16 - The Free Church - Pr C Cooley
21/03/21 - Luke 111 - Consider This - Pr M Bradfield
17/03/21 - Luke & - Make a rod to beat yourself with Pr M Bradfield
14/03/21 - Acts 16- The Oppressed Church - Pr C Cooley
14/03/21 - Jeremiah 12 - Are you Ready? - Pr M Bradfield
10/03/21 - Isaiah 65 - Happy Ever After- Pr M Bradfield
07/03/21 - Acts 16 - The Guided Church- Pr C Cooley
07/03/21 - John 8 - Lightbulb Moment - Pr M Bradfield
03/03/21 - John 10 - What's Left - Pr M Bradfield
28/02/21 - Acts 16 - The Teamwork Church - Br C Cooley
28/02/21 - Mark 1 - More!- Pr M Bradfield
24/02/21 - Matthew 27 - Kicking Against the Pricks - Pr M Bradfield
21/02/21 - Acts 15 - Continuing in Contention - B C Cooley
21/02/21 - 2 Samuel 22 - Cancel This - Pr M Bradfield
17/02/21 - 2 Timothy 1 - Ours (and His) - Pr M Bradfield
14/02/21 - Acts 15 - The Church With a Plan - Br C Cooley
14/02/21 - Judges 2 - Questions (It's not personal) Pr M Bradfield
10/02/21 - Revelation 18 - To God be the Glory - Pr M Bradfield
07/02/21 - Acts 15 - The Functioning Church - Pr C Cooley
07/02/21 - Leviticus 21 - Perfection - Pr M Bradfield
03/02/21 - Matthew 8 - The Simple Gospel - Pr M Bradfield
31/01/21 - Acts 14 - The Seeing it Through Church - Br C Cooley
31/01/21 - Leviticus 27 -Making a Point - Pr M Bradfield
27/01/21 - Genesis 37 - More Tough Times - Pr M Bradfield
24/01/21 - John 18 - Bothered - Pr M Bradfield
20/01/21 - John 5 - It's Not What you think. - Pr M Bradfield
17/01/21 - Acts 14 - The Persevering Church Br C Cooley
17/01/21 - Luke 8 - Ministering - Pr M Bradfield
13/01/21 - Luke 10 - Helping Who? - Pr M Bradfield
10/01/21 - Acts 14 - The Bold Church - Br C Cooley
10/01/21 - Matthew 7 - Follow the Leader - Pr M Bradfield
03/01/21 - Acts 13 - The Graceful Church - Br C Cooley
03/01/21 - Luke 6 - Listen Up - Pr M Bradfield
30/12/20 - Luke 5 - The Real Deal - Pr M Bradfield
27/12/20 - Acts 13 - The Church with a History - Br C Cooley
27/12/20 - Every Day Matthew 6 - Pr M Bradfield
25/12/20 - Christmas Day Matthew 1,2 Luke 2 - Pr M Bradfield
20/12/20 - Acts 13 - The Mission Church - Br C Cooley
20/12/20 - Isaiah 9 - The Greatest Gift -Pr M Bradfield
16/12/20 - Luke 21 - Look Up Pr M Bradfield
13/12/20 - Leviticus 26 - Dear Santa - Pr M Bradfield
6/12/20 - Acts 12 The Prayer Hungry Church - BrC Cooley
6/12/20 - 2 Kings 10 Whacamole - Pr M Bradfield
2/12/20 Kings 19 - Always or Never Alone- Pr M Bradfield
29/11/20 - Acts 11:19 The Ministering Church - BrC Cooley
29/11/20 -Romans 10:1 What God Wants Pr M Bradfield
25/11/20 - Leviticus 20:33 Remembering Pr M Bradfield
22/11/20 - Acts 11 The Disconnected Church - BrC Cooley
15/11/20 - Psalm 37 - You cant have it (or take it) - PrM Bradfield A
15/11/20 - Acts 10 The Unlearning Church - BrC Cooley
15/11/20 - John 14 - A Comfort - Pr M Bradfield
15/11/20 - John 1 - The Difference the Light Makes- Pr M Bradfield
8/11/20 - Acts 10 The Open Church - BrC Cooley
8/11/20 - John 11 - Believing - Pr M Bradfield
1/11/20 - Acts 9 The Testimony of the Church - PrC Cooley
1/11/20 - Psalm 1&2 - cutting Off your Nose - Pr M Bradfield
28/10/20 - Matthew 6 - There's More (To your prayer life - PrM Bradfield
25/10/20 - Acts 9 The Basket Church - PrC Cooley
25/10/20 - Malachi 4 - Before I go... - Pr M Bradfield
21/10/20 - Malachi 2 - A Convenient Faith - Pr M Bradfield
18/10/20 Acts 9 part 2 the Changeable Church - PrC Cooley
18/10/20 John 16:16-33 Do you See it Now? - Pr M Bradfield
14/10/20 Judges 6:1 - Why? - Pr M Bradfield
11/10/20 Acts 9 - The Changeable Church - Pr C Cooley
11/10/20 Isaiah 9 - (Some of) The Names of God - Pr M Bradfield
07/10/20 John10 - God's Way or the Broad way - Pr M Bradfield
04/10/20 Acts 8:26 The Seeking Church - PrC Cooley
04/10/20 John 14 - The Lesson - Pr M Bradfield
27/9/20 Acts 9 The Priceless Church - PrC Cooley
27/9/20 Genesis 3 - 5-0 and counting - Pr M Bradfield
20/9/20 Acts 9 The Scattered Church - PrC Cooley
20/9/20 John 1 Behold the Lamb Of God - Pr M Bradfield
13/9/20 Acts 7 - The End (of the Chapter) - BrC Cooley
13/9/20 Matthew 27 The Evidence - Pr M Bradfield
6/9/20 Acts 7 - The Unconfined Church Prt 2 - BrC Cooley
6/9/20 What You Need - Pr M Bradfield
30/08/20 Acts 7 - The Unconfined Church - BrC Cooley
30/08/20 Exodus 34 Shining! - Pr M Bradfield
16/08/20 Acts 6 - Individual Church - BrC Cooley
16/08/20 Habakkuk 2 -You Should Run - Pr M Bradfield
12/08/20 Exodus 32 - Who is on the Lords Side? - Pr M Bradfield
09/08/20 Acts 6 - Service - BrC Cooley
09/08/20 2 Peter 1 Standing -Pr M Bradfield
05/08/20 Luke 14, 12 When... - Pr M Bradfield
02/08/20 Acts 5 The Unceasing Church - BrC Cooley
02/08/20 Luke 14 + 12 Out Witted, Manned, Gunned PrM Bradfield
26/07/20 Hebrews 11 - Heaven - BrC Cooley - Micah 4 - Havent a Clue - PrM Bradfield
19/07/20 Acts 5 - The Fearful Fearless Church - PrC Cooley
19/07/20 Exodus 12 - What does it Mean? - Pr M Bradfield
08/07/20 2 Timothy 1 The or My? - Pr M Bradfield
05/07/20 PM Acts 5 The Church - Pr C Cooley
05/07/20 Isaiah 61, Luke 4 - Today - Right Now! - Pr M.Bradfield
01/07/20 Revelation 3 - Who's There? - Pr M.Bradfield
27/06/20 Genesis 39 - Blooming where you're planted - Pr M.Bradfield
24/06/20 Mark 15 - Pleasing God or Contenting the People? - Pr M.Bradfield
20/06/20 Acts 5 - Beating God - Pr M.Bradfield
17/06/20 Revelation 1 - A Revelation - Pr M.Bradfield
14/06/20 Mark 10- You ARE Loved! - Pr M.Bradfield
10/06/20 Mark 9 - When it's Just you and God - PrM.Bradfield
06/06/20 Genesis 30 - God Sees Everything - PrM.Bradfield
03/06/20 Joel 3 - Decide! - PrM.Bradfield
23/5/20 Daniel 9:20 - News - PrM.Bradfield
23/5/20 Mark 2:1 - A Helping Hand - PrM.Bradfield
23/5/20 Hosea 1,2 - Taking it for Granted- PrM.Bradfield
20/5/20 Matthew 26:36 -The One for the Job- PrM.Bradfield
16/5/20 Genesis 22- Doesnt Count- PrM.Bradfield
13/5/20 Genesis 19- The Jekyl and Hyde of Sin- PrM.Bradfield
10/5/20 Matthew 24- Business as Usual- PrM.Bradfield
6/5/20 2 Kings 5- Only One God, Only one Way- PrM.Bradfield
2/5/20 1 Kings 13- All that ~Glitters...- PrM.Bradfield
29/4/20 Genesis 3 - Shortcuts- PrM.Bradfield
25/4/20 Daniel 2- The Future- PrM.Bradfield
22/4/20 Matthew 16:1- Extraordinary - PrM.Bradfield
18/4/20 Luke 11:14- What If it is? - PrM.Bradfield
15/4/20 Luke:19 Matthew 25 - The Gift (and what did you do with it?) - PrM.Bradfield
11/4/20 Matthew 11:1 - What did you come to see? Resurrection Sunday Service - PrM.Bradfield
8/4/20 Matthew 5:29 - Losing out - PrM.Bradfield
4/4/20 Genesis 6:1 Jesus' Ark - PrM.Bradfield
1/4/20 John 20:1 Where is Jesus? - PrM.Bradfield
28/3/20 Mark 10 - A Sow's Ear - PrM.Bradfield
25/3/20 Matthew 11 - What a Friend - PrM.Bradfield
21/3/20 John 14 - Let not your heart be troubled Pr M Bradfield
Caleb Thompson Dedication service - Pastor Mark Bradfield